
February 17, 2022 Off By eldredtownship
Early Warrensville
Early Warrensville
This shows early Warrensville that highlights the two grist mills and the two churches. In 1890, the population was 540.
Main Road
Main Road
The main road in Warrensville was built from a jungle path to this spacious highway by Edward Lippincott in Rose Valley. He operated a logging business and it has been reported that 40-50 large wagons loaded with lumber passed through Warrensville on the way to the canal dock near Montoursville.
Grist Mill
Grist Mill
This is one of two grist mills that was in Eldred Township. The mill ground grain into flour. Flour was ground into two grades, sterling and gold. The flour was sold in large bags or 49 pound barrels. Mill Creek supplied the water that turned the wheel that powered the machinery that ground the grain into flour. The farmers would bring their grain to the mill on Thursday and there was always a line of wagons waiting their turn.
Christian Hill Church
Christian Hill Church
The religious sect known as Christian was quite a power in the community and in 1844 a frame church was built on the road towards Loyalsockville. The name Christian Hill was attached to the church, a school and a cemetery with only the cemetery remaining today. This church held services for 20 years.
Baptist Church
Baptist Church
The German Baptist Church was originally called the Eldred Church and was created from the Dunkard Church in Blooming Grove. It was erected in 1859 and later rebuilt as a brick building. The parsonage is built next door. The service was originally conducted in German and English and later only in English.
Methodist Church
Methodist Church
The E.U.B.(Evangelical United Brethren) was on the opposite side of the main road into Warrensville from the Baptist Church. This church merged into the Methodist Church in 1968. The church building was moved to its present location, 100 feet north, in 1971.
Warrensville had a fully uniformed Cornet Band conducted by Walter Kimble. Those identified in this picture are: George Brelsford, Emerson Brelsford, Samuel Heim, Howard Waltz, Elwood Kurtz, Jerry Fritz, Joe Winner, Dr. Dan Super, Nandal Waltz, Harry Winner, Walter Kimble, Howard Snyder and Ed Treon.
Dam in Warrensville
Dam in Warrensville
This is the bridge going out of Warrensville towards Pleasant Valley with the dam. The dam allowed Mill Creek to flow when it was needed to go into the raceways to power the mills in Warrensvill
4H Club
4H Club
1920 Warrensville 4-H Pig Club- this could be the first 4-H club in the county. First Row: Guy Casner, Lester Waltz, Chet Waltz, Ethel Waltz, Cortland Smith Back Row: Chas Heim, Mosteller Girls, David Harvey
Raceway in Eldred Township-These wooden troughs were built into the hillside above Warrensville Road which would carry water from Mill Creek to the wheel of the grist mill.